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Our Pricing Plans

Get the plan that best suits your needs.  And start today to create your mobile app

Free Forever
DB Storage 100 MB
File Storage 200 MB
Realtime Viewer
Ads Free
Project public
Get Started
/ month
DB Storage 500 MB
File Storage 1 GB
Realtime Viewer
Ads Free
Private app
Get Started
/ month
Unlimited DB Storage in your own Firebase Server
Unlimited File Storage in your own Firebase Server
Realtime Viewer
Ads Free
Private app
Cloud function
Play Store
Get Started
/ month
Unlimited DB Storage in your own Firebase Server
Unlimited File Storage in your own Firebase Server
Realtime Viewer
Ads Free
Private app
Cloud function
Play Store
App Store
Get Started
/ month billed annually
DB Storage 500 MB
File Storage 1 GB
Realtime Viewer
Ads Free
Private app
Get Started
/ month billed annually
Unlimited DB Storage in your own Firebase Server
Unlimited File Storage in your own Firebase Server
Realtime Viewer
Ads Free
Private app
Cloud function
Play Store
Get Started
/ month billed annually
Unlimited DB Storage in your own Firebase Server
Unlimited File Storage in your own Firebase Server
Realtime Viewer
Ads Free
Private app
Cloud function
Play Store
App Store
Get Started
The prices shown in annual plan must be paid in full at the time of purchase. The final price can be seen on the purchase page, before the payment is completed. If you have any questions, please contact us.
Quick Answers to

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the Apphive service free?

You can enter the platform, configure your entire application, add functions, view in real time. All for free. This plan allows you to validate your project, without making high investments.

Can I cancel my account plan at any time?

Yes! You can cancel your plan at any time. The Cancellation becomes effective at the end of the current billing month. It does not generate additional charges or cancellation fees.

What happens if I stop paying?

Your app will become inactive in the Google Play and App Store. If the payment is not renewed within 2 months, your app could be deleted or could become a public  and other users can use your template.

Are there any forced deadlines?

Do not! Just pay the time you want to keep your app active in Google Play and App Store. You can also cancel your subscription when you decide without additional charges or cancellation fees

How is the charge made?

Your card is registered in the payment platform, which has an SSL security system so that your data is protected. The charge is made automatically month by month.